Let's Get Engaged !!

If we, as a town, are going to address the issues and challenges we face, we need citizen engagement.

If we want …

  • To focus our resources on services that best meet the needs of residents
  • To create a shared set of goals, objectives, and priorities
  • Residents to volunteer and participate

… we need to welcome residents into the processes and expand engagement.

Getting citizens engaged requires more than posting committee openings on websites and meeting agendas. True engagement starts with communications and transparency. People won’t engage without information and a reason that motivates. We need to seek out and recruit residents with subject matter expertise. We need to involve people with passion, motivation, and a desire to serve. We need to offer opportunities for involvement that can fit within people’s work and family schedules.

A good example of citizen engagement was the “Charrette” process for planning meetings used by the Westborough State Hospital Reuse Committee. This process recruited and involved dozens of residents who met as a whole and in groups to address a wide range of issues. The discussions were informed and involved, and integrated a diverse set of opinions and views.

A less positive example is the recent Strategic Planning process. While the process offered an online method for resident via questions and comments, there were only two public input sessions totaling less than four hours. More importantly, the consultant’s report was received and accepted as the Strategic Plan without further review or discussion. No presentations to the public, to civic groups, to businesses owners. No public hearing. No chance, or effort, to review and discuss the plan and the inherent priorities suggested by the consultants.

Going forward, we should rethink how we communicate with, and involve, residents. We should shift from passive posting to active recruiting. We should look for ways to encourage and motivate resident feedback and participation. We can and should foster citizen engagement as a best practice in how we run our town.